If I was still a teacher I would be on holidays right now, but since I'm not, then I'm at work. This doesn't bother so much as my job now is far less stressful and hectic, so the need for 12 weeks holiday a year is unwarranted in my opnion. However, yesterday, while I was playing pool and having a couple of beers in bar, watching the rain fall outside, I thought man, wouldn't it be nice to be on holidays right now. In all honesty, that is the only thing I really miss about teaching right now. I don't miss much else sadly enough. |
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Posted by
Stone Free
3:44 PM
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Karma....or lack thereof....
I'm sure everyone out there has a week that they would rather forget. Mine happens to be this week. It's not like anything major has gone wrong, or bad happened, but just little niggly things that occur you know? The worst thing is there is no such thing as Karma for me. There is no payback for this shit, nothing phenomenally good ever really happens to me to make up for the incessant crap that life can sometimes throw up. I'm not a negative person, not at all, at least I don't think I am, but you would honestly think that there should be some kind of balancing out don't you think? Some kind of good fortune perhaps could find its way to me? Well no, nothing mind blowingly fortunate ever happens to me, or even Miss R for that matter. She reckons that we are just two people who are just gonna have to work and struggle in life as opposed to some other people out there who get everything given to them on a fricken silver platter. I'm not a bad person, which makes me question the existence of a fair and just god, so if ever I would need proof of this omnipotent being's presence it would be now...or in fact ever at all! Instead, nup, whenever I think I'm getting ahead it just shovels another load of shit in my general direction to deal with. Whatever I did in a previous life to live on this knife edge I am truly, truly sorry. |
Posted by
Stone Free
3:42 AM
Monday, September 24, 2007
A home made whippet lure........
As a sighthound, whippets, as a rule, love chasing things. However, our little whippy tends to be a bit lazy and only run around when, and only when, she feels like it. Yesterday was a case in point; took her to the park, off the lead and everything, and all she wanted to do was walk around, sniff the grass, eat some poo and lie down. |
Posted by
Stone Free
4:50 PM
Labels: whippet
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Posted by
Stone Free
3:14 PM
Labels: AFL, Aussie rules, football
Thursday, September 20, 2007
You know you've made it when......
Yesterday was an extremely momentous day. I took delivery of my first ever batch of business cards. Yes, I now have business cards. In all my years of work I have never had them, but now I'll be able to deal them out willy nilly. How cool huh? I guess it's the little things, but to me it's a big deal. |
Posted by
Stone Free
5:01 PM
Labels: business cards, greyhound, whippet
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
My own encyclopedia (or Wikipedia..) entries
Here are some ideas for entries for Britannica... |
Posted by
Stone Free
5:10 PM
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Zombie driving.....
Posted by
Stone Free
3:27 AM
Labels: bike, St George's Road
Thursday, September 13, 2007
The radio is tuned to what?
Posted by
Stone Free
5:38 PM
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Some ponderings....
Posted by
Stone Free
4:06 PM
Monday, September 10, 2007
Like everyone else in this world I have a family, I didn't just appear on this planet and I didn't arise from some primorial soup. I have a mum and a dad and a sister. Yes, the perfect nuclear family. As a write this however, the three of them are on the other side of the planet in England. Mum and dad left a couple of days ago for three weeks to visit my sister who lives in London as well as my grandma and cousins and aunties and uncles. Yes, I am half English on my mum's side (and half Dutch on my dad's side). Not very exotic and terribly white. I would love to be there with them all, but luckily my sister is coming over in December for Christmas this year which is most awesome. |
Posted by
Stone Free
6:27 PM
Sunday, September 9, 2007
How to train a dog part 2....
I swear our whippet is untrainable. We had our first lesson with her on Sunday and all the otehr dogs can sit and lie on their mats, but not Cleo. I think she has ADD or something as she has the concentrations span of a gnat. She can eventually sit, but the amount of coaxing one has to do is incredible and sheer amount of doggy treats we have to give her in order to do ANYTHING is making her a bit fat, and well, there's nothing quite so ridiculous as a fat whippet. But, on the plus side she doesn't bark or yank on the lead like some of the other dogs. Even better is her saliva output, which compared to the slobbering cocker spaniel (or whatever dog abhorencey it was), is very minimal to say the least. |
Posted by
Stone Free
6:08 PM
Labels: whippet
We live in the Melbourne suburb of Reservoir. It's not the flashest area of Melbourne I have to admit, but it's not the scummiest either. I was thinking today how funny it is that I have moved out here. I used to go to University not far from here and lived on campus and in all honesty it was a fricken blast. We used to go shopping at the local shopping centre called Northland, and now, 12 years later, I find myself doing that exact same thing. 12 years is a long time when you think about it but it doesn't seem all that long ago. Where did that 12 years go I wonder? Imagine not being able to remember anything? That's the question Miss R and I were asking ourselves last night when we were watching a movie called "Unknown White Male" about a guy who suddenly developed amnesia. It made me feel much more conscious of my existence and it was rather overwhelming I must say. Does your past shape your present? The guy in the movie was essentially a nice guy before the event and after the event - he didn't suddenly become a raving lunatic or psychopath. So I think that level of personality is innate within us, like in our hard wiring. It's fascinating stuff the brain. |
Posted by
Stone Free
1:54 AM
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Of all the days of the week, I have learned to love Fridays. It's kind of strnge because when I was working in the miens there was no such thing as a 5 day a week job - it was work flat out for 12 hours a day for 2-3 weeks then take a week or two off (depending on the mine). It was okay for a time, but it pretty much split my life into two. I had two toothbrushes, one for site and one for Perth; I had two TVs, two guitars, two pairs of sneakers, two sets of clothes...the list was pretty much endless. But since becoming a teacher and now in the enviro field I find myself in now, the 5 day a week malarky is rubbing off on me. Fridays have a vibe about them that no other day of the week has. Everyone is happy. And now with the weather warming up there is a buzz in the air, an excitement that I just can't explain. Everyone wants to do a long lunch in an open air cafe on Friday and why wouldn't you? Do I miss the mining life? Nup. If it is something I have learned to appreciate in life and that is the creature comforts. There is nothing better than being to go home (to your OWN home) and watch telly in your OWN loungeroom at the end of the day. The only drawback is you have to cook your OWN dinner as well which is something I didn't have to do in the mines. |
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
How to train a dog...part 1
Miss R and I went to the first of seven dog training session last night. It was without Cleo, so it was basically a theory lesson and stuff. We're being taught how to use the clicker method of training; that is click and clicker, give a treat. I'm guessing it expands on that quite a bit. If there is one thing our little whippet likes, and that is food. She scrounges and eats anything so that everyone else in the park thinks that we don't feed her! How embarrassing. Anyway, we tried a bit of the clicker last night when we got home and we were surprised to see that she didn't run away from the sound. |
Posted by
Stone Free
8:42 PM
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
For some reason, as an Australian, I feel a little bit embarrassed. Take for excample the news last night when they had footage of Sydney Airport prior to dickhead backward hick US President Bush's arrival. All that we could muster was a single airport police car, sitting idol not doing, well, much at all. Compare this to dickhead's 750 person entourage! Why?? I'm surprised someone hasn't had a go at shooting him or blowing him up already. What do these people do? Obviously if I had an entourage that big I'd like at least one of them to wipe my arse. You get the feeling that there is an insane amount of hypocrisy with dickhead and our own dickead jnr. They spout democracy and christian values, yet they stifle free speech and protest and invade countries willy nilly. Honestly boys, what would Jesus do? Somehow the lines between democracy and dictatorship have become somewhat blurred of late. |
Posted by
Stone Free
9:56 PM
Monday, September 3, 2007
For some reason, Miss R insists on me diagnosing her various pains and illnesses in the belief that I am a sage in all things medical. I'm not a doctor, but then I'm no dummy and I know that your stomach actually wraps around your heart and lies up in your rib cage and not in your 'tummy'. Last night for instance I had to perform some emergency surgery on her big toe that had become infected and I somehow managed to extract a piece of black guk. No problem, maybe I should turn my hand at brain surgery? However, after this, we went to visit a friend in hospital who had just had a baby. Problem is during our visit the poor baby had to have his testicles massaged as they weren't decended properly, and while this was going on the nurse was explaining all this to us. Nup, that was it for me, my head was going light and I could feel a fainting spell about to hit. It's amazing what effect simple words can have on a person. I think I could stomach seeing someone whose arm has been sawn off, but sitting and listening to someone explain; 1.The process by which an epidural is administered; and 2.Why a testicle doesn't decend properly, doesn't do much for my state of consciousness. |
Posted by
Stone Free
6:57 PM