Thursday, September 13, 2007

The radio is tuned to what?

I think we all go through phases in our life governed by what the stereos in our cars are tuned to. My first car had am/fm and a cassesette player! Woo hoo! So, namely, I would set the radio on Triple J and have my mix tape handy whenever they (invariably) had a run of really crap music. This was pretty much how it stayed for the majority of my 20s. Once I got my present car, it had a CD Player. OMG, how technological and it could have pre-set stations, so the stations I had tuned in were Nova, Triple R, PBS, Triple M (for my bogan moments) and Triple J. However, because I had a CD player, the majority of the time my car was thumping along to some hard trance or whatever. This was my late20s early 30s phase I guess. But now? well, because I drive a company vehicle with quite a poverty spec stereo, I have found myself drawn to the AM dial. Yes, that's right, AM. In particular ABC News radio as they get direct feed from the BBC world service and it's riveting stuff. I'm finding myself entertained and engaged in the radio when I'm driving. I'm up to date on the world's current affairs and everything political. Am I showing my age? Will the next step be listening to shock jocks talkback radio? well, not for now. There was this one guy who I listened to in the mines in WA called HOward Sattler. OOooo, mr scare monger himself. It's funny, if it weren't for radio, him, and those like him, would be standing on a soap box in a park, spouting that the world was going to end and of moral decay, because some street urchin stole his bread. Oh boo hoo. This would be before the men would come strap a straight jacket on him and take him away. But instead he gets paid very well and is revered by everyone over 65 years of age. Talk about moral decay!