Well, poor Miss R is lying on the couch in front of the telly at home. I can't write an in depth reason as to why, but in short she has seriously damaged her ankle. It all happened last night when she was playing with the dogs in the backyard. All of a sudden I hear this thump and a scream. I run out to see what's wrong and she was in absolute agony. I'm sure everyone else in the neighborhood heard this as well. I have a feeling that there is some serious ligament or tendon damage that is not going to fix itself in any great hurry. I'm only saying this because Miss R is under the impression that, as I have mentioned before, I am a medical doctor. Oh my god the poor thing. Looks like we will have to resort to crutches after a trip to the doctor and possibly some x-rays. She had to end up sleeping on the couch with the dogs as there was no way she was going to get up the stairs to the bedroom. And you can imagine the quality of sleep she got as a result. A couple of Panadeine Fortes didn't help either.
It got me thinking though. What if I get hit by a car whilst riding my bike to or from work? I only have like 8 days sick leave a year, so what would happen if I was out of action for like 6 months? How could we survive?? Maybe I should look into getting income protection insurance or something like that. Or maybe just sue the arse off whoever hits me. I am seriously of the opinion that the more expensive your car, the more you don't give a shit about anyone else on the road. Unless of course they are those old men who drive big old Kingswoods at 20kph in either the right, or left hand lane, or even both.
We got income protection insurance last year and I feel better for having it. It costs a bit, but not that much really and the peace of mind that we'll be ok should anything happen to the major income in the relationship is worth it. The other opint is that it was cheaper to get in while young(er), and when we have a family it will be a definate requirement. I've heard to many horror stories of accidents or illnesses to risk it.
Hope MissR heals soon.
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