Everybody makes a list of their favourite movies, but have you ever stopped to wonder what your favourite movies SCENES are? Well, here are mine: |
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Favourite movie SCENES.
Posted by
Stone Free
4:44 AM
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Band Video!
Me and the band. Outstanding. |
Posted by
Stone Free
7:05 PM
Self sufficiency??
A while ago Miss R and I thought it would be a top idea to grow our own vegetables in our postage stamp sized patch of ground some people may refer to as a back yard. However, with dogs that emit urine that should be confined to toxic waste dumps, it's probably best that we don't. |
Posted by
Stone Free
6:50 PM
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Other blogs...
Has anyone ever hit the "Next Blog" button on the top left corner of the screen? If you do, you may realise that I am one of the few people who; a)writes a blog in English; b)Doesn't write about their holidays; c)Doesn't write about their children; or d)doesn't do 'scrap booking'. |
Posted by
Stone Free
11:21 PM
Posted by
Stone Free
5:59 PM
Monday, June 16, 2008
Complaint letters
I love writing complaint letters. There is nothing like the feeling of venting pure frustration at faceless organisations who control our lives. My latest gripe has been towards Optus Mobile. with my letter of complain being thus: |
Posted by
Stone Free
9:36 PM
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Biggest Loser?? Bring it ON!
As most people who are now grown adults, I am well aware of which foods do not agree with me. Unlike those kids out there with Peanut allergies who seem to make a bee-line straight for the "condiment" aisle at the supermarket and cheat death by playing with the Peanut Butter jars. Luckily my allergies aren't that severe....dairy, or should I say, EXCESS dairy is a real no no, swigging down a gallon of full cream milk is one sure way to empty me out and avocados burn my mouth to the point of blistering. |
Posted by
Stone Free
7:06 PM
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
My generation.....
My ears prick up whenever I hear the term "Generation X" and all that goes along with it. I am a child of Baby Boomer parents, ergo, I am Generation X, born in 1974. I guess I'm at the accepted tail end of this group which, apparently, ends with those born in 1976 or so. |
Posted by
Stone Free
8:42 PM
Monday, June 2, 2008
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Of teaching and other things....
My apologies for not having written a post of late, but in all honesty, life has been ticking along on a nice even keel of late. But, as I have mentioned before, nothing mind shatteringly bad happens to me, and yet, nothing earth shatteringly great ever happens to me either. But it's all about perspective isn't it? If I were a homeless person, on the street, I'd be over the moon to be able to afford a house, put food on a table, sleep in a bed etc. I count my lucky stars that I don't live that kind of existence. But complacency is a dangerous thing. Put it this way; when I landed a job working in the mines of WA and earning, let's face it, for a 22 year old, a dangerous amount of money, I never found myself particularly well off. And yet, when I took a 40% pay cut to go into teaching, I managed to make ends meet quite okay, although my standard of living had taken a giant leap backwards. Goes to show, the more you have, the more you spend, and the more you want. The unfortunate thing is, since leaving the mines 10 years ago, I'm still not earning anywhere near what I was back then, you would think that after 10 years in the work force that that would be different, but alas no. |
Posted by
Stone Free
5:56 PM