Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Self sufficiency??

A while ago Miss R and I thought it would be a top idea to grow our own vegetables in our postage stamp sized patch of ground some people may refer to as a back yard. However, with dogs that emit urine that should be confined to toxic waste dumps, it's probably best that we don't.

However, if anyone out there should happen to travel on the Epping line, you would notice that at a couple of locations there are some community gardens. In effect, these are little allotments, for people without backyards, where, for a nominal fee, you can grow your own vegies.

Awesome huh? I know that in Europe garden allotments are quite common, but unfortunately, not so in inner urban Australia. So made a few inquiries, and found that one of the allotments you have to join the commitee and wait "perhaps" a year for an allotment to become available. The other one run by the council was more promising...or so I though until they said that there was a 5 year waiting list. Yes, FIVE YEARS! So anyway, I gave her my name and phone number over the phone, but I'm pretty sure she was just amusing me and sounded a bit shirty that I had perhaps interrupted her crochet session.

So anyway, the only way around this I can see is to start one up myself. There is plenty of vacant land around the Preston/Reservoir area, but whether the council would approve of such a facility is beyond me. Quite frankly, with food prices the way they are, the local council should be opening up more community gardens. I'd love to have a little allotment, to potter about in a few minutes a day...tend to my crop...connect with the know, all that 'man o' the land' crap.