Sunday, August 24, 2008

It's not bird flu.

It is quite startling how quickly one goes from being healthy and strapping to being struck down with illness. And that was me, last was like any other Wednesday, I got up, walked the dogs, had a shower, rode into work..except that I had a little tickle in my throat.

I should have been more vigilant on that little tickle because quite frankly it turned on me and in the space of one hour I was a shadow of my former self. I sat in my office wondering why I was seeing two computer screens and why the carpet was moving under my feet. The cough had now degenerated into what amounted to a seal barking. I was speaking, but I really wasn't too sure what I was saying and even if I was making any sense. It all sounds like an acid trip but far from it, this virus had hit me good.

My boss, bless him, took me home at lunchtime.

By the time I had hit my couch and turned on the Olympics, I was spouting phlegm from my throat and nose is such copious volumes that I was amazed that the human body had such amounts in reserve. It was no good. The dogs looked at me in a way as if to suggest that if I had died then and there, they would have had no hesitation in eating me, they pretended to be sympathetic, but I knew....they could sense my weakness, like vultures circling overhead.

So my life for 48 hours consisted of bed, couch, bed. Poor Miss R didn't fare much better, although she was still able to think straight, even go to work and was a tad more mobile than I. And isn't it amazing the state of one's house when all sanity goes out the window. Rubbish, dishes, dust, dirty clothes....not important. What was important was trying to somehow work out what my body was telling me. I couldn't sleep, yet, I couldn't stay awake. Purgatory of the cruelest kind.

But somehow, as a testament to the human immune system, some 5 days later, I am feeling human again. I regained my appetite only 24 hours ago and I should point out that over the course of three days all I had eaten were three pieces of fruit toast and some chocolate.

It's tough being sick, frustrating even. The world still turns without you and it won't stop to let you back on. I am now 5 kg lighter and really needing to get my strength back up again. Whatever it was, good riddance to it.


Dr. J said...

You know, if you were a chick that post would have ended with: 5kg lighter and good riddance to THAT.

Glad you're feeling better and you managed not to pass it on to the native Australian bird population. It's all embarrassing when you become ground zero for a world-wide epidemic.