Reservoir has another feature that I have not previously mentioned; it has an RSL. And this is not your run-of-the-mill garden variety RSL with an empty hall and a kitchenette attached. Oh goodness no, this is two storeys of pensioner heaven, a miniature version of a NSW north coast leagues club.
The sad fact of the matter is that Miss R and I have tried on two occasions to sample the wares of the bistro, to no avail. It was either closed because it was January, or it was closed because it was 8:30pm and all the customers had gone to bed.
So it was with great trepidation that Miss R, her sister Super J and myself ventured up to the RSL. It was 8pm....on a Saturday.....we were pushing our luck. We asked the man at the front desk (yes, this RSL even has a front desk) if the kitchen was open. He paused for a minute and my heart began to sink, but praise be Hallaullia, the kitchen was OPEN!! and as an added bonus, there were even seats for us and a free floor show!
So we signed in and climbed the stairs.
Nothing can fully prepare you for the wonders of the suburban RSL. Stepping through the glass doors it was if we had stepped out of our De Lorean time machine and into 1986, and we were by far and away the youngest people in there. The floor show was essentially and female singer with a man accompanying her on bongos with pre-recoded music - mostly ABBA and the clientele were resplendent in the finest K-Mart apparel.
But it was the food we had come for. The menu was basic, but there was not a thing on it I would not have eaten. None of this fancy quail or duck stuff, no sir it was chicken, lamb or beef. Served with vegies and chips, salad and chips or, of you were feeling healthy, salad and vegies. The simplicity was staggering. Unfortunately Miss R is a vegetarian, so her selection was limited to a plate of vegies and chips (no salad mind you). I opted for the rissoles and Super J the monolithic veal parmagiana. Talk about a fair old feed. Even went to the bar, bought three spirits for $13.60. Bonus! The total meal and drinks bill for the three of us totalled not more than $50. You can't go wrong, seriously.
After gorging ourselves and thus feeling slightly on the bulemic side of sanity, we could only gaze in amazement again at the rest of the people in there. The music was terribly loud, likely for the rest of the people with hearing aids. It didn't matter. The oldies had a good old knees up and they looked to be having a great time. Good on them. Apparently the floor show went until midnight, but none of us were game to hang around that long, and to be honest, I don't know how many people would have been left there by then. |