During this past week I have had to drive to and from work as I am working out at a site on the other side of the city. I have realised, quite categorically, that driving really REALLY isn't a good start or end to the working day. And yet, as I sat stuck on the Western Ring Road surrounded by other automatons of society, I realised what a mess we are making of this whole reduction of carbon emissions business.
But I digress....
Can I just ask people, please, switch your brains into the "on" position when you get behind the wheel of a car. For instance; some genius in a land cruiser (more like land whale) just sitting in the middle of the road waiting to turn right when , hello, there was definitely no traffic coming! Or, the collective genius of people driving down St Georges Road at 50kph in a 70kph zone and wonder why we keep missing the green light sequence. And man, what is it with weekends?? Are people aware that road rules don't just apply Monday to Friday?? And is it really that hard to use an indicator when approaching a round-a-bout?
Also, a general rule of thumb when driving is that if you can't see the back of the driver's head from behind, give said car a wide berth. The person driving can barely see over the steering wheel and, ergo, have limited reach to the pedals. Which is why these drivers drive SO FREAKIN SLOW!!!
Plus, we're living in the 21st Century now...shouldn't we all be driving hover cars like the Jetsons?
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