So, when I mentioned in my previous entry that it would appear that people don't follow road rules on the weekend, my observations were very nearly vindicated. So this is an open piece of abuse to the 18 year old Commodore driver who very nearly wrote my car off at the Preston safeway carpark. Mate, firstly, to do 80kph on the open road is all well and good, but in a carpark?? Your logic defies belief! and hey, maybe you might want to look left AND right when exiting said carpark. Your car is a piece of shit commodore executive 6 cylinder shit heap. It is so far removed from a race car you have no idea. Thank goodness MY car has decent brakes, unlike your 1960s engineered flinstone mobile.
Get your license last week? Good on you, how much did you bribe the assessor??
If you see a car exactly like this one, doing laps up and down Preston High Street, please, feel sorry for the poor lad. It won't be long until it is crushed into a cube and sent to Simsmetal after trying to occupy the same point in time and space as a truck.
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