Sunday, March 30, 2008

There are two kinds of people in this world....

Those that move out of people's way on a footpath, and those that don't.
Toilet paper over or behind the holder.
Toilet paper folders or scrunchers.
People that walk across a busy road on the green and those that cross on the red.
Cave dwellers or tree dwellers (ie: those that like lots of light in their house and those that would rather live in a basement).
Creationists or scientists.
Tab or Diet Coke.
Those that like cabbage and those that don't.
Talkers or do-ers.

Another thing I thought about today is that guys who are under 30 years old who grow facial hair seriously look dodgy. Like I'm talking sitting at home alone stroking a 12 gauge shotgun talking to the walls kinda dodgy.

Last time I checked it was 2008 not 1972.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

It has been far too long since I have posted anything noteworthy here, and today is probably no exception. In all honesty, thinking up a blog post has been taking up much of my precious thinking time, normally as I am hurtling down St George's Road at 40kph on my bike. My thought pattern goes something like.. ."Look at all the poor traffic....ha ha, beat you to the lights.....why would you drive?....there's alot of glass on the did that rock get there? this headwind, the ride home will be sweet as....what should I post on my blog?....mention the brain surgeons who frequent the gym?...why does my weight fluctuate 2kg from one day to the next??....shit my legs hurt...come on green light....yes, little win for me!.....haven't I passed this car like three times already?....hey I'm even beating the tram...according to the annoying girl on the AAMI ad I am saving 75c per kilometer riding a that's....$15 a day....$75 a week....I wouldn't spend $75 a week on petrol surely....what is this moron doing for Christ's sake!?....why do you people take left hand turns at 2kph! Argh!...I reckon I could've slept another hour this morning..." So you get the idea.

I'm sure we all have a little voice in our head (like where else would it be??) and to listen to it sometimes is quite amusing. Where did all the anxiety come from? I don't think I'm an anxious person, but man, that voice in my head is like the fun police sometimes..."Don't go there...don't do that...what if..." you get the idea. I'm sure the voice in the head of a base jumper wouldn't be quite so up tight, it would sound more like that kid in Primary School who convinced you that jumping over the creek on a BMX would be okay. Then they stand back and laugh as your front wheel digs into the opposite bank and you end up covered in mud and yabbies....maybe that's just my experience...I dunno.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Dog beach.....

The one thing I should point out about greyhounds is that you really shouldn't let them off the lead, especially around other dogs. We had a fantastic day down at the dog beach with about 30 other greyhound owners and it was nice to meet other people and ask questions and stuff. It is pleasing to know that ours is not the only greyhound that lunges at little dogs (which, may I add is happening far less often now) and wants to eat them for lunch. However, I would say about 8 people had their greyhounds off the leash, running around playing in the water etc. It was heartening to watch and made me dead jealous that I couldn't let mine off. But a couple of things I noticed; 1) greyhounds are frighteningly fast, their running gait is totally different to your average Labrador and their acceleration compared to other breeds of dogs is just staggering. 2) Greyhounds are pack hunters. Hands down. All nice and good to have one running around, but if there are more, then they will run together, in a pack, and they were all picking on one dog...a little Kelpie. They didn't hurt it in any way, but they kept chasing it down, and standing over it like the doggy police saying "Sorry, only WE'RE allowed to run on this beach." And of course, it couldn't get away. Anyway, it all got a bit tense there at one stage and the worst thing is, the greyhound owners just stood around laughing and saying how good their dogs were. Oh my god, I'm sure you'd be saying that if it ripped the throat out of that poor Kelpie!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

A Few Thoughts.....

Have you ever been driving late a night, like I'm talking 1-2am or something. And you drive past a strip of shops that are obviously all closed, and yet there are a dozen cars parked out the front. What's going on there then?

Have you noticed the proliferation of American ads on telly with Australian voices dubbed over them? Do they think we're stupid or something?? Like, aren't we good enough for our own ads?

I would like to post two links here:
I would like to point out that the plight of greyhounds in today's society is quite sad. There are thousands of greyhounds in racing kennels across the country, and only a small percentage of them get adopted out to homes once their brief racing careers are over. So what happens to the rest? The mind boggles. some stay on as breeding stock, which is nice, but I know a good many of them just get put down, or worse, get sent to universities for 'experimentation' which quite frankly, just breaks my heart. Our gorgeous boy Merlin, thank goodness we saved him. The story of Savannah here is one of many heartbreaking stories of neglected dogs. And yes, there are just as many dogs out there in the Lost Dogs Home or whatever, but the thousands and thousands of greyhounds out there that just 'disappear' it's just sad. I urge anyone reading this, who is after a dog, to please please consider a retired greyhound.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

By the way, I'm to 1200th spot on Celebdaq.

Yes, I am the greatest.

Left foot right......

I am feeling decidedly wrecked at the moment. The past few days has seen me and a collegue, lug umpteen kilograms of equipment over uneven and loose terrain. This is something that I wouldn't have given a thought about during my twenties. But now, in my mid 30s, this kind of work is, well, not something I really think I should be doing. For the last few days all I think I have been doing is heavy manual lifting, if not for work, then dragging my 50 ton bass amplifier to band practice and back home again. I'm over it, well and truly. I don't want to complain about this, so I won't harp on about it.

But with all this manual work, I'm sure you're asking "How's your back?"

I shall touch wood and say that I have never had back issues. No pain, nothing. A fit and strapping example of humanity if ever there was one. My problem however, lies down at my feet. As I have mentioned previously, I was born with club feet - or talipes equinovarus for those medically minded among you. Hasn't really given many issues over the years, but man, just lately, my feet have been terribly sore and tired, and lugging heavy equipment over uneven loose ground didn't do me any favours at all. My left foot is decidedly worse than my right.

And I'm limping. Having a limp helps me fit in with all the other people limping around Smith Street, but you know, it's just painful. What else can I do huh? Maybe I should get one of those electric shopping carts you see pensioners hooning around in. I would likely fit an extra battery in series to give it an extra 2kW and 0.5sec off the 0-60kph time of 20 minutes. Yeah.