Do you have someone at your work who is constantly sick? Does this same person continue to come in to work and spread their germs around? Furthermore, does this same person go to painstaking lengths to quietly let everyone know how sick they are, and what a champion they are for turning up to work? Yes, I have mentioned this before, but quite honestly, even when I was a teacher, I was never as constantly sick as this person is. When you're sick, you're sick. Deal with it. Go to the chemist and buy whatever drugs you need to help alleviate the symptoms, and just go home. Don't spread your festy germs to everyone else. I have learned that a day off is worth it, because quite honesly, if you push yourself, you'll just have to end up taking 3 days off instead, and that doesn't benefit anyone does it.
Miss R has taken this advice today. She's at home crook as a dog...with the dog.
Speaking of the dog, OMG she is the smelliest bloody thing. It seems that when she is out in the park, every other dog within 5km wants to come and lick her face. Which is fine, except that she ends up looking like a porn star after a hard day at the office and smells like dog slobber. Oh lovely. Couple this with the fact that we haven't washed her in 3 weeks and you get a fair idea of what she must be smelling like. MMmmm, nice.
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