Despite my relative apathy that I convey towards organised religion, I should point out that that does not mean that I am not spiritual. I don't need some fuddy duddy reading from some book that was written when humankind was still struggling with settled farming practices to tell me how to live my life. The world has moved on sorry to say. In light of this I should point out that I am a trained tarot reader. In fact I've been reading cards for a good 15 years now I guess. However, something I thought about today is that I haven't done a reading for, well, I don't remember when. Maybe it is something that I have grown out of, maybe I just don't feel like I need to know what is going on around me or what the future has in store because I pretty happy in the here and now. But it really was amazing how the cards revealed things, something that simple 'chance' couldn't account for. By that I mean doing the same readings for a friend for instance with the same cards popping up over and over again. Yes, I am sure there are skeptics out there, big deal.
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