Well, since my experience last week on my old clunker bike, I had to resort to driving to and from work, which wasn't so bad as I was working at a site pretty close to home anyway. I should mention that the old clunker was performing quite admirably until about 1km from home when the back tyre blew. I mean, the tyres are likely to be somewhere in the vicinity of 10 years old now, so it was only a matter of time I guess. So I semi-rode home on a flat tyre, which was not pleasant and made worse by the head wind from hell.
So, on the weekend I bit the bullet and ventured out to some bicycle shops and see about purchasing a new set of wheels. I really needed to get this bike on Interest free, or else it was likely that Miss R and I wouldn't be able to eat for the rest of the month. I went to one bike shop that was so busy, that I wandered around, looking like a customer in need of some help for a good 15 minutes. No sales assistants came to assist me and to be honest, their range was pretty shit. So I left. I then ventured out to a BICYCLE SUPERSTORE and lets be frank here, it was fricken immense. I found a couple of bikes that I liked, but alas, they couldn't do interest free payment plans, only Lay-by and to honest, I needed the bike there and then.
Anyway, next day, I dragged Miss R to another well known medium sized bike shop. They had a range of good quality bikes at quite good (actually, pretty awesome) prices. I settled on what is now known as a flat-bar road bike. Basically it's like a road bike, but with straight handlebars like a Mountain Bike. I was impressed by the carbon fibre forks and seat post, the insanely large crank gearing and the overall look of the thing. Miss R convinced me to get it cash there and then and not to worry about interest free payment plans and shit. Suffice to say, Miss R and I will be resorting to 2-minute noodles this month. MMmm, yum.

Anyway, I rode it to work for the first time this morning and it is amazing what a difference a good bike makes. I mean, the mountain bike I had been using was a pretty bloody good bike, but this thing simply flies.
In other news, summer is on the way and it got to like 34 degrees or something like that yesterday. I'm not a big fan of summer at all. It gets far too hot to sleep or do much else. I'm looking at getting air con installed in the bedroom. We have it downstairs in the lounge, but that's no good for when it comes time to go to bed. I think I only got 2 hours sleep last night, the rest was just a sweat fest. |
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