Have you ever been driving late a night, like I'm talking 1-2am or something. And you drive past a strip of shops that are obviously all closed, and yet there are a dozen cars parked out the front. What's going on there then?
Have you noticed the proliferation of American ads on telly with Australian voices dubbed over them? Do they think we're stupid or something?? Like, aren't we good enough for our own ads?
I would like to post two links here: gap.grv.org.au www.greyhoundsafetynet.org I would like to point out that the plight of greyhounds in today's society is quite sad. There are thousands of greyhounds in racing kennels across the country, and only a small percentage of them get adopted out to homes once their brief racing careers are over. So what happens to the rest? The mind boggles. some stay on as breeding stock, which is nice, but I know a good many of them just get put down, or worse, get sent to universities for 'experimentation' which quite frankly, just breaks my heart. Our gorgeous boy Merlin, thank goodness we saved him. The story of Savannah here is one of many heartbreaking stories of neglected dogs. And yes, there are just as many dogs out there in the Lost Dogs Home or whatever, but the thousands and thousands of greyhounds out there that just 'disappear' it's just sad. I urge anyone reading this, who is after a dog, to please please consider a retired greyhound.
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