I am feeling decidedly wrecked at the moment. The past few days has seen me and a collegue, lug umpteen kilograms of equipment over uneven and loose terrain. This is something that I wouldn't have given a thought about during my twenties. But now, in my mid 30s, this kind of work is, well, not something I really think I should be doing. For the last few days all I think I have been doing is heavy manual lifting, if not for work, then dragging my 50 ton bass amplifier to band practice and back home again. I'm over it, well and truly. I don't want to complain about this, so I won't harp on about it.
But with all this manual work, I'm sure you're asking "How's your back?"
I shall touch wood and say that I have never had back issues. No pain, nothing. A fit and strapping example of humanity if ever there was one. My problem however, lies down at my feet. As I have mentioned previously, I was born with club feet - or talipes equinovarus for those medically minded among you. Hasn't really given many issues over the years, but man, just lately, my feet have been terribly sore and tired, and lugging heavy equipment over uneven loose ground didn't do me any favours at all. My left foot is decidedly worse than my right.
And I'm limping. Having a limp helps me fit in with all the other people limping around Smith Street, but you know, it's just painful. What else can I do huh? Maybe I should get one of those electric shopping carts you see pensioners hooning around in. I would likely fit an extra battery in series to give it an extra 2kW and 0.5sec off the 0-60kph time of 20 minutes. Yeah.
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