Thursday, March 27, 2008

It has been far too long since I have posted anything noteworthy here, and today is probably no exception. In all honesty, thinking up a blog post has been taking up much of my precious thinking time, normally as I am hurtling down St George's Road at 40kph on my bike. My thought pattern goes something like.. ."Look at all the poor traffic....ha ha, beat you to the lights.....why would you drive?....there's alot of glass on the did that rock get there? this headwind, the ride home will be sweet as....what should I post on my blog?....mention the brain surgeons who frequent the gym?...why does my weight fluctuate 2kg from one day to the next??....shit my legs hurt...come on green light....yes, little win for me!.....haven't I passed this car like three times already?....hey I'm even beating the tram...according to the annoying girl on the AAMI ad I am saving 75c per kilometer riding a that's....$15 a day....$75 a week....I wouldn't spend $75 a week on petrol surely....what is this moron doing for Christ's sake!?....why do you people take left hand turns at 2kph! Argh!...I reckon I could've slept another hour this morning..." So you get the idea.

I'm sure we all have a little voice in our head (like where else would it be??) and to listen to it sometimes is quite amusing. Where did all the anxiety come from? I don't think I'm an anxious person, but man, that voice in my head is like the fun police sometimes..."Don't go there...don't do that...what if..." you get the idea. I'm sure the voice in the head of a base jumper wouldn't be quite so up tight, it would sound more like that kid in Primary School who convinced you that jumping over the creek on a BMX would be okay. Then they stand back and laugh as your front wheel digs into the opposite bank and you end up covered in mud and yabbies....maybe that's just my experience...I dunno.