Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Of bikes and other things....

I am starting to get bike rage. No doubt about it. I think I have mentioned previously how there is a certain breed of cyclist out there...the female neo-hippy riding around on a 1980s style kids bike that is barely quicker than a brisk walk. But I'm not sure if my riding is getting quicker, or everyone else is getting slower but I am constantly being held up by cyclists who think that dawdling around in the cycle lane is de rigor. I would hardly call myself a hardcore cyclist by any means, so far I do not ride in lycra nor in a sponsored jersey and my bike pedals are proper pedals that can be used with proper shoes without clicky things underneath. But I just wish sometimes some people would either put in a little more effort or else maybe pull over a bit so we can ride past you without being cleaned up by the semi-trailer baring down behind us.

All that aside, it is nice to see many more people cycling to work, even in the depths of winter, the bike paths and lanes around the inner city are being well used. Whether this is a response to petrol prices or what I don't know. I dare say that the fair weather cyclists will be coming out of the woodwork in the next few months, probably to compound my frustrations.