Monday, October 15, 2007


It just so happens that the bike I have been using for the past 6 months to travel to and from work I had loaned off a very good friend. He needed it back so I took it back to him of course. Suffice to say that I had to then resurrect my old clunker for the ride into work today. Holy shit man, it really is amazing what a difference a bike makes. My legs were HURTING within 10 minutes from leaving home and then the seat post decided to collapse on me, so in the end I just thought screw it, I'm driving. I don't know what would have been worse in the end. Like I have mentioned countless times, driving to work, and home again, is the absolute bain of my life.

It's funny actually, in the city there is the brand new BHP-Billiton office complex. Right next door is the QV apartment complex which also contains a gym and a Safeway supermarket. Imagine if you lived at QV and worked at BHP? Quite honestly you would never leave your little area. All your needs are met right there and you wouldn't waste 2 hours a day stuck in fricken traffic. On the downside, you wouldn't have a backyard. Bummer.