Saturday, October 13, 2007

Sorry folks....

I'm having some issues with my blog template so I have had to resort to using a generic blogger template until I can get this sorted.

Last night, being Saturday night, I ventured to the other side of the city with Miss R and her sister Miss J to see a movie (it was Death at a Funeral actually, okay for a bit of a laugh). It's amazing how one feels out of place when taken out of their element. The south side of Melbourne is quite different to the north I have to say. Down south it's all designer jeans and white trainers, whereas up north here it's more tea cosy beanies and vegetarians. I have to say too, much less grief. Walked past a guy who had had his nose broken in a fight. Honestly, some guys need to grow up.

I took the dogs to a local deserted velodrome to let them both off the leash. It was great to a point. Good old Merlin got to stretch his legs probably for the first time since his last race in February, and boy did he. Cleo ran off and Merlin took chase but couldn't exactly keep his footing over rough ground, but he did get that familiar greyhound gait happening some a good sprint. The only down side was that Cleo decided to be petulant and not let me put her collar on. Suffice to say, she went to the vet the next day and got de-sexed. Well, actually, we had had her booked in for 2 weeks.