Well, I'm on holidays now, 1 week into a 2 week break. To be honest, it hasn't really felt like it. Christmas is great and seeing all family and friends is awesome, but the week has just flown by. |
Friday, December 28, 2007
Questions and Answers.....
Posted by
Stone Free
2:47 AM
Monday, December 24, 2007
Reservoir is not just a suburb but a lifestyle option.....
Posted by
Stone Free
2:56 AM
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Money saving tips.....
Maybe it was my upbringing under Dutch parentage or my years living on $50 a week as student, but along the way I have picked up some ideas that can save a bit of money here and there. |
Posted by
Stone Free
2:07 PM
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Christmas and all that....
'Tis the season and all that. Christmas in Australia is, of course, in the middle of Summer. Yet, we still cling to the notion of a European christmas with roast turkey and ham, even if it is 40 degrees in the shade. We don't care. |
Posted by
Stone Free
2:08 AM
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Best and Worst TV 2007
Well, it seems like every newspaper and magazine has got their best and worst 2007 lists coming out, so I thought I would do my own best and worst of TV for this year. I love TV, I'm not ashamed to admit it. Big deal. |
Posted by
Stone Free
5:49 PM
Labels: TV
Monday, December 10, 2007
Jimi Hendrix
Posted by
Stone Free
8:48 PM
Guns and god.
I'm sitting here watching the news and there has been two shootings in America, both at churches. The story has gone on to say that at one of the places, the shooter was taken down by a church security guard. |
Posted by
Stone Free
3:38 AM
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Of sisters and Zen.
I am very very excited because my dear sister is coming over from London this week. Unfortunately I have to work right up until the 21st or whatever it is, but I'm hoping I can spend a bit of time with her while she's here. Miss R and I had pencilled in the 8th December as our wedding day, and it came and went and the weather was just beautiful. Luckily though my sis didn't cancel her flight and chose to come over anyway. I'm glad of that at least, and I know she is too. |
Posted by
Stone Free
8:45 PM
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
I swear to god our little whippet is turning into a little freakin monster. Here is a breakdown of what this little ADHD dog has accomplished over the past week: |
Posted by
Stone Free
7:27 PM
Labels: whippet
Sunday, December 2, 2007
The human body is crap part II
Considering the state of Miss R's ankle at the moment, I thought it would be pertinant of me to elaborate on my own unfortunate ankles. |
Posted by
Stone Free
2:55 PM
Thursday, November 29, 2007
The human body is crap.
Posted by
Stone Free
1:39 PM
Labels: ankles
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Do we all have OCD?
Posted by
Stone Free
8:44 PM
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Summer is for sadists
As I have mentioned previously, I am not a fan of summer. Today proved my point. I stood outside, supervising trucks being loaded with contaminated soil. Normally I wouldn't mind doing something like this, however, today's temp got to 37C. Pretty horrible I have to say and I'm fricken exhausted as a result. So what kind of story did they run on tonight's news? Oh, how wonderful it was to be down at the beach and some absolute genius saying "Oh the beach is much cooler than sitting at home in the heat." Now, I used to live in Perth. Some of Australia's best beaches are in Perth, even though I'm not a beachy person. However, if someone told me that it was cooler down at the beach than sitting at home I would've seriously questioned their intelligence. Come on, I think I once saw the sand literally turn to glass one day it was so freekin hot. No, I am quite happy sitting at home on the couch in the air conditioning watching telly on days like this. |
Posted by
Stone Free
10:21 PM
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Those who can't....
As mentioned previously I used to be a Primary School teacher. I did this job for 7 years, which in today's day and age is a fair acheivement. I had, pretty much, an iron clad job for life and I could've stayed in that position until the reaper came calling. As far as jobs go, it doesn't sound all that bad, especially with 12 weeks holiday a year and I was normally home by 4:45 in the afternoon. |
Posted by
Stone Free
1:35 PM
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
A day in the life.....
I haven't really talked much about what I do for a living, so I thought I would give some insight into what it is I do that helps pay the mortgage. |
Posted by
Stone Free
1:20 PM
Saturday, November 10, 2007
track time!!
Posted by
Stone Free
10:29 PM
Thursday, November 8, 2007
The world is full of Brain Surgeons!
I'm only writing this now as I have had a good few days to cool down from the absurdity of some people's logic. This promises to be my most scathing post yet. So hold on to your seats peoples this will be epic. |
Posted by
Stone Free
1:07 AM
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Someone turned the heating down.....
Posted by
Stone Free
3:41 PM
Saturday, November 3, 2007
a weekend in the country
Currently Miss R and I and the dogs are down at her parent's holiday house in south gippsland. It truly is a lovely place to be with a fantastic view of Wilson's Prom and Bass Strait. This is the first time we have brought the dogs here and it is probably the first time that Merlin has has any free time off the lead. He really is fast, I'm talking 2nd fastest accelerating land animal fast. For such a large animal it is a sight to behold. Little Cleo tries to get away from him thinking no other dog can keep up with her....and she's sadly mistaken. The down side is that Cleo has found a way to get through the fence by turning her body sideways. Now this is both fascinating and really fricken annoying. The fact she persisted and got through is testament to a whippet's intelligence, but if she gets out and into the neighbors sheep paddock, well, there's no telling what she'll do. |
Posted by
Stone Free
4:02 AM
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Hooray, I finally figured out what was wrong with the blog template uploading, so now I have my old 3 column one back which, unless you have a widescreen 17" monitor like I have, probably looks quite crap, which probably means you should start thinking about upgrading from that 15" CRT monitor ha ha. |
Posted by
Stone Free
5:45 PM
Is there something more???
Posted by
Stone Free
2:49 AM
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Of dogs and sunshine.
Posted by
Stone Free
6:54 PM
Thursday, October 25, 2007
What the hell is going on with blogger? I'm pretty much over waiting for them to fix my problems uploading a template. I could do it like a couple weeks ago, so what has changed? I had a great 3 column set up that filled the whole screen, but right now I'm stuck with this generic crappy one. |
Posted by
Stone Free
4:55 AM
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Posted by
Stone Free
4:13 PM
Labels: bike
Monday, October 15, 2007
It just so happens that the bike I have been using for the past 6 months to travel to and from work I had loaned off a very good friend. He needed it back so I took it back to him of course. Suffice to say that I had to then resurrect my old clunker for the ride into work today. Holy shit man, it really is amazing what a difference a bike makes. My legs were HURTING within 10 minutes from leaving home and then the seat post decided to collapse on me, so in the end I just thought screw it, I'm driving. I don't know what would have been worse in the end. Like I have mentioned countless times, driving to work, and home again, is the absolute bain of my life. |
Posted by
Stone Free
5:40 PM
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Sorry folks....
I'm having some issues with my blog template so I have had to resort to using a generic blogger template until I can get this sorted. |
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Wouldn't you know it, school holidays have finished and with it has come a vast increase in the volume of traffic on the roads during rush hour. I say this because I had to drive to work today as I had to use my car for a job. I categorically hate driving to work, and back home again. However, all this would be solved if bloody Vic Roads managed to synchronise their traffic light sequencing. Take for example St George's Road. It's a duel carriageway road with a tramline running up the middle of it. Quite a major road I'm sure you would agree. However, there are countless intersections along this way and every time one traffic light goes green the next one goes red. And this repeats itself along most of its length. Why can't some genius at Vic Roads sequence the lights so when one goes green, the next light goes green a minute or so AFTER the light before? How hard can it be?? Honestly, there's no good reason for it. And to make matters worse, the roads that cross over are piddly little neighborhood roads and ALL of St George's Road has to come for a stop for one piss ant car. Just stupid. |
Posted by
Stone Free
3:20 AM
Labels: St George's Road, traffic
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Greyhounds are pretty fricken large.
well, we've got another dog. Yes, it's a greyhound. Can I just say that when you see these dogs racing on TV, they look like ordinary sized dogs. However, nothing can prepare you for the sheer size of these dogs when you see one up close. Our boy, Merlin, stand 75cm at the shoulders and is 110cm long without the tail. He's huge, no two ways about it. Poor thing has been in the adoption kennels since March and to be honest, isn't in that great a condition. However, he is very very affectionate and is terribly loyal already. He quite happily follows me or Miss R around the house with little Cleo trying to lick his face the whole time. They are both black and look like twins, except he's like twice the size. His racing career was far from stellar; 32 race starts for 2 wins. I even read that the poor thing had a massive collision at a race meet in Tasmania. Yes, he really got around attending race meets in Victoria, Tassie and NSW. He's just a big friendly giant really. I can't wait until we're confident in letting him off the leash with little Cleo. She seriously wants to play with him ALL the time and it will be good once they can have a good run together. |
Posted by
Stone Free
4:04 PM
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Melbourne my town....
Posted by
Stone Free
5:13 AM
Monday, October 1, 2007
If you're really that sick...GO HOME!
Posted by
Stone Free
3:58 PM
Sunday, September 30, 2007
If I was still a teacher I would be on holidays right now, but since I'm not, then I'm at work. This doesn't bother so much as my job now is far less stressful and hectic, so the need for 12 weeks holiday a year is unwarranted in my opnion. However, yesterday, while I was playing pool and having a couple of beers in bar, watching the rain fall outside, I thought man, wouldn't it be nice to be on holidays right now. In all honesty, that is the only thing I really miss about teaching right now. I don't miss much else sadly enough. |
Posted by
Stone Free
3:44 PM
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Karma....or lack thereof....
I'm sure everyone out there has a week that they would rather forget. Mine happens to be this week. It's not like anything major has gone wrong, or bad happened, but just little niggly things that occur you know? The worst thing is there is no such thing as Karma for me. There is no payback for this shit, nothing phenomenally good ever really happens to me to make up for the incessant crap that life can sometimes throw up. I'm not a negative person, not at all, at least I don't think I am, but you would honestly think that there should be some kind of balancing out don't you think? Some kind of good fortune perhaps could find its way to me? Well no, nothing mind blowingly fortunate ever happens to me, or even Miss R for that matter. She reckons that we are just two people who are just gonna have to work and struggle in life as opposed to some other people out there who get everything given to them on a fricken silver platter. I'm not a bad person, which makes me question the existence of a fair and just god, so if ever I would need proof of this omnipotent being's presence it would be now...or in fact ever at all! Instead, nup, whenever I think I'm getting ahead it just shovels another load of shit in my general direction to deal with. Whatever I did in a previous life to live on this knife edge I am truly, truly sorry. |
Posted by
Stone Free
3:42 AM
Monday, September 24, 2007
A home made whippet lure........
As a sighthound, whippets, as a rule, love chasing things. However, our little whippy tends to be a bit lazy and only run around when, and only when, she feels like it. Yesterday was a case in point; took her to the park, off the lead and everything, and all she wanted to do was walk around, sniff the grass, eat some poo and lie down. |
Posted by
Stone Free
4:50 PM
Labels: whippet
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Posted by
Stone Free
3:14 PM
Labels: AFL, Aussie rules, football
Thursday, September 20, 2007
You know you've made it when......
Yesterday was an extremely momentous day. I took delivery of my first ever batch of business cards. Yes, I now have business cards. In all my years of work I have never had them, but now I'll be able to deal them out willy nilly. How cool huh? I guess it's the little things, but to me it's a big deal. |
Posted by
Stone Free
5:01 PM
Labels: business cards, greyhound, whippet
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
My own encyclopedia (or Wikipedia..) entries
Here are some ideas for entries for Britannica... |
Posted by
Stone Free
5:10 PM
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Zombie driving.....
Posted by
Stone Free
3:27 AM
Labels: bike, St George's Road
Thursday, September 13, 2007
The radio is tuned to what?
Posted by
Stone Free
5:38 PM
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Some ponderings....
Posted by
Stone Free
4:06 PM
Monday, September 10, 2007
Like everyone else in this world I have a family, I didn't just appear on this planet and I didn't arise from some primorial soup. I have a mum and a dad and a sister. Yes, the perfect nuclear family. As a write this however, the three of them are on the other side of the planet in England. Mum and dad left a couple of days ago for three weeks to visit my sister who lives in London as well as my grandma and cousins and aunties and uncles. Yes, I am half English on my mum's side (and half Dutch on my dad's side). Not very exotic and terribly white. I would love to be there with them all, but luckily my sister is coming over in December for Christmas this year which is most awesome. |
Posted by
Stone Free
6:27 PM
Sunday, September 9, 2007
How to train a dog part 2....
I swear our whippet is untrainable. We had our first lesson with her on Sunday and all the otehr dogs can sit and lie on their mats, but not Cleo. I think she has ADD or something as she has the concentrations span of a gnat. She can eventually sit, but the amount of coaxing one has to do is incredible and sheer amount of doggy treats we have to give her in order to do ANYTHING is making her a bit fat, and well, there's nothing quite so ridiculous as a fat whippet. But, on the plus side she doesn't bark or yank on the lead like some of the other dogs. Even better is her saliva output, which compared to the slobbering cocker spaniel (or whatever dog abhorencey it was), is very minimal to say the least. |
Posted by
Stone Free
6:08 PM
Labels: whippet
We live in the Melbourne suburb of Reservoir. It's not the flashest area of Melbourne I have to admit, but it's not the scummiest either. I was thinking today how funny it is that I have moved out here. I used to go to University not far from here and lived on campus and in all honesty it was a fricken blast. We used to go shopping at the local shopping centre called Northland, and now, 12 years later, I find myself doing that exact same thing. 12 years is a long time when you think about it but it doesn't seem all that long ago. Where did that 12 years go I wonder? Imagine not being able to remember anything? That's the question Miss R and I were asking ourselves last night when we were watching a movie called "Unknown White Male" about a guy who suddenly developed amnesia. It made me feel much more conscious of my existence and it was rather overwhelming I must say. Does your past shape your present? The guy in the movie was essentially a nice guy before the event and after the event - he didn't suddenly become a raving lunatic or psychopath. So I think that level of personality is innate within us, like in our hard wiring. It's fascinating stuff the brain. |
Posted by
Stone Free
1:54 AM
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Of all the days of the week, I have learned to love Fridays. It's kind of strnge because when I was working in the miens there was no such thing as a 5 day a week job - it was work flat out for 12 hours a day for 2-3 weeks then take a week or two off (depending on the mine). It was okay for a time, but it pretty much split my life into two. I had two toothbrushes, one for site and one for Perth; I had two TVs, two guitars, two pairs of sneakers, two sets of clothes...the list was pretty much endless. But since becoming a teacher and now in the enviro field I find myself in now, the 5 day a week malarky is rubbing off on me. Fridays have a vibe about them that no other day of the week has. Everyone is happy. And now with the weather warming up there is a buzz in the air, an excitement that I just can't explain. Everyone wants to do a long lunch in an open air cafe on Friday and why wouldn't you? Do I miss the mining life? Nup. If it is something I have learned to appreciate in life and that is the creature comforts. There is nothing better than being to go home (to your OWN home) and watch telly in your OWN loungeroom at the end of the day. The only drawback is you have to cook your OWN dinner as well which is something I didn't have to do in the mines. |
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
How to train a dog...part 1
Miss R and I went to the first of seven dog training session last night. It was without Cleo, so it was basically a theory lesson and stuff. We're being taught how to use the clicker method of training; that is click and clicker, give a treat. I'm guessing it expands on that quite a bit. If there is one thing our little whippet likes, and that is food. She scrounges and eats anything so that everyone else in the park thinks that we don't feed her! How embarrassing. Anyway, we tried a bit of the clicker last night when we got home and we were surprised to see that she didn't run away from the sound. |
Posted by
Stone Free
8:42 PM
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
For some reason, as an Australian, I feel a little bit embarrassed. Take for excample the news last night when they had footage of Sydney Airport prior to dickhead backward hick US President Bush's arrival. All that we could muster was a single airport police car, sitting idol not doing, well, much at all. Compare this to dickhead's 750 person entourage! Why?? I'm surprised someone hasn't had a go at shooting him or blowing him up already. What do these people do? Obviously if I had an entourage that big I'd like at least one of them to wipe my arse. You get the feeling that there is an insane amount of hypocrisy with dickhead and our own dickead jnr. They spout democracy and christian values, yet they stifle free speech and protest and invade countries willy nilly. Honestly boys, what would Jesus do? Somehow the lines between democracy and dictatorship have become somewhat blurred of late. |
Posted by
Stone Free
9:56 PM
Monday, September 3, 2007
For some reason, Miss R insists on me diagnosing her various pains and illnesses in the belief that I am a sage in all things medical. I'm not a doctor, but then I'm no dummy and I know that your stomach actually wraps around your heart and lies up in your rib cage and not in your 'tummy'. Last night for instance I had to perform some emergency surgery on her big toe that had become infected and I somehow managed to extract a piece of black guk. No problem, maybe I should turn my hand at brain surgery? However, after this, we went to visit a friend in hospital who had just had a baby. Problem is during our visit the poor baby had to have his testicles massaged as they weren't decended properly, and while this was going on the nurse was explaining all this to us. Nup, that was it for me, my head was going light and I could feel a fainting spell about to hit. It's amazing what effect simple words can have on a person. I think I could stomach seeing someone whose arm has been sawn off, but sitting and listening to someone explain; 1.The process by which an epidural is administered; and 2.Why a testicle doesn't decend properly, doesn't do much for my state of consciousness. |
Posted by
Stone Free
6:57 PM
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Australian idol #2 and my NECK ARGH!
Posted by
Stone Free
8:32 PM
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Australian Idol.....
When I lived in the UK back in 2003, i watched this show called "Stars in Their Eyes - Kids" and this 16 year old girl got up on stage and blew me away with a rendition of Kate Bush's Wuthering Heights. Kate Bush herself wrote and recorded this song when she was 18 and I am yet to see or hear an 18 year old even come close to emulating this talent. |
Posted by
Stone Free
4:59 PM
Labels: Kate Bush
One in a million
Today I did a risk assessment course to do with chemical exposure of different chemicals. Apparently, acceptable risk for the chances of incidence of cancer in chemical exposure is 1 in 1 million. There were also a few things that stuck out in my mind as 1 in a million chances of death: |
Sunday, August 26, 2007
I don't think our little whippet is terribly well. She's been lethargic and not herself all weekend. I'm of the opinion that it has something to do with the sheer amount of poo she eats. Honestly, she eats so much of the stuff in the park, anyone would think that we starve her! So anyway, she's still asleep at 0830 in the morning when she is normally up and about and playing. |
Posted by
Stone Free
3:25 PM
Thursday, August 23, 2007
More about cars....
Posted by
Stone Free
3:28 PM
Labels: 205gti, Ford Fiesta XR4, GTi6, Peugeot
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Diaries vs Blogs
During my mid-late 20s and even into my 30s I kept a diary, probably for about 6 years I think it was in the end. I don't know why I started to write one and so much has happened to me during the years. Sometimes I read what my entries and wonder what on earth it was I was thinking at the time. My diaries, I used to call them my books of "Love, Loss and Promise", sickeningly poetic I know, and they talked alot about girls and my day to day existence. Once I met Miss R 3.5 years ago, I stopped writing because I felt no need anymore. I had found my one and only and that was that. That still holds true, however, I have experienced so much life and love with Miss R that it is all undocumented and we sometimes have trouble trying to remember when things happened. Which brings me to why I'm writing a blog, which is kinda like a diary I guess, except anyone can read it and I can make entries at work that make it look like I'm doing work. |
Posted by
Stone Free
11:17 PM
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Stupid bike riders
There's this portly middle aged cyclist who I sometimes see during my commute up and down St George's Road. I just want to mention right here that this guy is a first class, top shelf dickhead. The number of times I have nearly seen this guy get wiped out by cars because he is too impatient to wait for a green light. He then has the nerve to stick his finger up at drivers as if he has right of way! I really really wish this guy would get hit by a car so I can stand over him and just let him what an absolute tool he is. He's probably some super stressed merchant banker/stock broker who works in the city and is too arrogant to know better. Good on him, hope he's happy with life. |
Posted by
Stone Free
4:39 PM
Labels: bike, dickhead, St George's Road
Monday, August 20, 2007
I'm just a little bit tired today. I've been fighting off a cold thanks to some Vicks First Defence which is holding its ground. I also had band practice last night and we fricken rocked hard last night. Even more was the fact that I am starting to come out of my shell as regards my singing. I really wish I could sing better than I do. I have this faint, croaking singing voice no thanks to my dad, whose voice I have inherited. Anyway, it's getting better as I gain more confidence, even our lead singer seems to think so. |
Posted by
Stone Free
11:16 PM
Sunday, August 19, 2007
bikes and dogs!
When I ride my bike, to and from work each day, it never ceases to amaze me how some cyclists are still alive. Honestly, every day I see at least one or two run red lights, nearly get hit by cars at roundabouts because hey, you gotta give way to the right dickhead, and generally think that they own the road. Me? Well, cars are bigger and it doesn't matter if they are in the wrong or not, a cyclist is gonna come off second best. It's a pity that some don't have this mentality. Then there are other who think that the commute is a stage of the tour de france. I hate these guys. The best way to get up their goat is to keep up with them when they fly past. I don't know why I hate them, probably because of their arrogance. I can keep up with them for the most part, but after a few minutes I back off. |
Posted by
Stone Free
3:17 PM
Thursday, August 16, 2007
I have been going to gyms pretty much ever since I was 18. Over the years I have been members at many gyms and I've gotta say that there are some commonalities in the clientele at these places. |
Posted by
Stone Free
4:22 PM
Labels: Gym, weight training
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
306 GTi6
Cars. I have found that throughout my life I have been cursed with car problems. My first car was a blue MAzda 626. Awesome car, I had it for nigh on 6 years I reckon. Got it resprayed, new engine the works, as one does with their first car their attached to. At the same time however, when I have too much money to burn, I purchased a 2nd hand Jaguar XJ12 saloon. Private import and I was seduced by the V12 engine. Alas, this was short lived and the car was a lemon that cost $2000 to service every 6 months, so it luckily went to a better place. But my little Mazda 626 kept going strong.....until it met its end in a front on collision with a Kingswood. What a shame, really it was. But, life moved on and I moved up to a lime green Mazda 929. Same engine pulling along a car twice the weight, so sluggish was putting it kindly! Electrical faults and a dodgy carburettor that no mechanic could ever fix plagued its existence on this planet. In the end though, I bit the bullet and got my present wheels. |
Posted by
Stone Free
3:14 PM
Labels: 306gti6, Jaguar XJ12, Mazda 626, Mazda 929, Peugeot