The other thing I haven't mentioned about Australian Idol is that the presenters are, well, what can only be described as robots. The funniest thing to do is that when one is talking, have a look at the one that's not. You will see that the switch definitely is in the "off" position there.
On another subject completely, I have pulled a muscle or something else in the

side of my neck. The pain was so immense the other night that I couldn't sleep and had to resort to using some Panadeine Forte. I can't drive or do much else except sit and watch telly with my head turned slightly to the right. How exciting. It's getting better, so at least it isn't constant chronic pain that will never go away, but it really is amazing how much you use your neck muscles. I mean, like ALL the time. If it was my leg or arm, hey, I could choose not to use that particular limb, but the neck is a pretty important appendage, so to choose not to use it kinda isn't an option. AND I haven't the faintest idea how I did it, which is even more frustrating, 'cos like, if I did my ankle running a marathon that would hold some cred, but where is the masculinity in spraining a neck?
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