Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The dog

It is very pleasing to realise that our little Whippet is becoming a lot more trusting of Miss R and I. She now stays on her bed whenever we get up instead of running away and has even let us pat her when she's a bit settled. I'm tempted to try her on the lead soon as I'd like to get her out and about in the neighborhood, but I think she needs a jumper or something as it is very cold at the moment. Personally I'd like to take a day off work to stay with her a bit more.
As a result of having the dog, I haven't been to the gym since like last Friday, and I only just managed to get on my bike on Monday for the commute which was a struggle to say the least, considering my exploits Sunday morning. Once we get the dog into a routine I think I can get back into it.


Anonymous said...

Great work.