We just had a long weekend in Melbourne, and let's just say that virtually nothing happened the way I wanted.
So on Saturday while Miss R took my place on the couch, I went around to Dave's place to sort out Band stuff and give him my copy of PhotoShop. I was still spaced out to the max on Pseudoephidrine. Nice. He told me we had a gig on Sunday night which was a surpise and shit, we hadn't played together for a couple of weeks. This after our drummer mike had words to Al regarding our commitment levels.
So, on Sunday, MIss R and I went to the Museum. I love the museum, ever since I was a kid. We were both on the Pseuephedrine now as Miss R had also come down with my virus. It was kinda cool 'cos, but I don't think museums are her thing. But we wandered around and counted how many 2-3 year old kids ran into our legs (me - 1, Miss R - 2).
The gig that night went okay. I wasn't playing half near my best and we were all a bit rusty. Luckily few people came in and watched which was good, and considering that the next day was a public holiday, even better. Afterwards I was dead set keen to go out. Miss R was feeling about as crap as I did last week and went home. So some boys and I went to a pub to play pool amongst a sea of bogans and boganettes. It was awful and really, I hadn't been in such a sleezy environment since, probably, I lived in Perth. Needless to say, one of the crew nearly got in a fight with a dickhead who can obviously bleach his hair blonde, but not his single neanderthal eyebrow. Good look, and obviously a very mature man...not. Bet he's beating the ladeez off with a stick, (or maybe his club). Legend.
I slept most of Monday and Tuesday (which I took off work). It's not often I do that. This cold or whatever it was, obviously knocked me for six. I'm sitting here at work now still not 100%, but I'm on the improve. |
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