Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Diaries vs Blogs

During my mid-late 20s and even into my 30s I kept a diary, probably for about 6 years I think it was in the end. I don't know why I started to write one and so much has happened to me during the years. Sometimes I read what my entries and wonder what on earth it was I was thinking at the time. My diaries, I used to call them my books of "Love, Loss and Promise", sickeningly poetic I know, and they talked alot about girls and my day to day existence. Once I met Miss R 3.5 years ago, I stopped writing because I felt no need anymore. I had found my one and only and that was that. That still holds true, however, I have experienced so much life and love with Miss R that it is all undocumented and we sometimes have trouble trying to remember when things happened. Which brings me to why I'm writing a blog, which is kinda like a diary I guess, except anyone can read it and I can make entries at work that make it look like I'm doing work.

So which is better, diary or blog? I have to say diary. Sorry to be a technophobe and all, but that's the way it goes.