Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I think I'm getting old(er)

I love playing music, I love it even more when the people who are listening to me play actually like it. However, on Saturday afternoon/night I had to overcome what I like to call 'personal inertia'. The band had agreed to meet at the pub at 3pm to have a final run through of songs before the gig that night. I was thinking "great, run through the songs, get home for a bit of rest, then come back at 10." We ended up starting to reahearse at 5. The sound guy didn't rock up until 7pm and he took fricken forever to get the shit organised. I finally managed get home at 9pm. Finally got on stage at 11pm and played a fricken great set, but we ended up getting home at 1am.

On another note, Cleo had a freak out yesterday in the park when a Cocker Spaniel came bounding up to her. Nothing agressive at all but Cleo wanted to get away and she nearly slipped out of her collar which was scarey. She's still very much a flight risk. We have found that if you approach her sideways, she'll actually not run away. There has to be some training method we can use so as to up her confidence. Plus, being a whippet, she lies on her bed like 20 hours a day!