Tuesday, August 14, 2007


I haven't driven my own car for the whole week. Why? My battery has had it. Not bad considering that it is 10 years old, but why now? It just died, suddenly, out of the blue. It's like those fitness fanatics who keel over over in the middle of a game of squash and their mate goes on to say, "it was really sudden, I would never have expected it." Luckily, my car has had a pretty good problem free run of late (touch wood). I am lucky enough to know an ex- Peugeot mechanic who is happy to have a tinker for a very nominal fee, so maintenence costs are kept nice and low. But a battery, of all things. Now I've gotta fork out $170 for a new one. Not exactly what Miss R and I need right now that's for sure. The vet bill last week for Cleo ended up being $235 and Miss R's Sister's birthday last weekend ended up being $200 which included dinner and present. Then, to cap it off, Miss R needed to go clothes shopping which hammered us another $150. The trip to England I would dearly like to take next year is slipping further and further out of our grasp. Luckily, however, I gained a 10% pay rise last month and Miss R scored a 7% pay rise back paid to July 1st. Not bad I suppose, I can only hope we can get our shit together as a result.
On another subject completely different, I can't understand political violence. This whole East Timor thing that's happening at the moment. People who supported the losing party are throwing what I can only describe as a tantrum. How mature of these people! "Oh dear, my political party lost so I'm gonna go burn down my neighbour's house who I suspect voted for the other side because I'm a sore loser." What's done is done. Get over it and move on. Really, what's the point of burning down someone's house? Hope you feel proud of yourself you SORE LOSER!
I have attached a picture of another comedy car.