well, no, we haven't got ourselves a new dog, but it feels as if we have a new dog. Cleo is now very very trusting and is becoming much friendlier by the day. We even managed to coax her up the stairs on Sunday. This is quite a challenge for the little thing, however, when I got home last night I was greeted by poo, wee and torn up paper in the upstairs 2nd bedroom. She's obviously now very capable of getting up and down the stairs by herself now. We still haven't let her off her leash yet, but there are encouraging signs that she is recognising our voices when we are on walks. Suffice to say that my motivation at work has taken a massive nose dive of late. I would love to stay home and spend a week with Cleo. However, I found out that Miss R is heading to Sydney for a week next week, so it's just me and the dog at home. Last night was the finale of Big Brother 2007. Now, I have been known to watch the show on occasion. The series that I have watched in the past, Series 1, the UK Big Brother in 2003 and now this series, have been primarily due to women being in my life and wanting to watch it. Not such a bad thing. Last night Miss R's hairdresser won, so it looks as if she won't be doing Miss R's hair ever again I wouldn't think, especially after winning like $450,000. Miss R reckons I should apply to go on next year, and what's funny is that she isn't the first to suggest I apply. So maybe I will. What would I do with the money? Pay off debts first no doubt. The house and the cars, leaving $150,000. Probably invest $50,000, travel for a bit, party for a bit, restore Miss R's car, but I'd still work. You can't retire on that kind of money these days. |
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