I have been going to gyms pretty much ever since I was 18. Over the years I have been members at many gyms and I've gotta say that there are some commonalities in the clientele at these places.
1) Pretty boys - need I say more? Think that they're god's gift to the planet and strut around like a peacock and think they own the place, and chat to every girl that comes within a 10 metre radius, although they back down for.. 2) Crunchers - They throw weights around, grunt, moan and make all the noise they possibly can, then expect everyone else to pick up their weights after them. 3) Young blokes/beginners - Have a soft spot for these type as we were all there once, however, I have noticed lately that they go to the gym in packs, stand around talking, take up space and generally don't do much. 4) Gentle Giants - these are the fricken massive, older guys who don't need to show off or grunt and groan. They just get in, do their thing and split. 5) Flirty girls - Are pretty much the same boat as the Pretty boys, probably deserve each other, except flirty girls tease the pretty boys, then go home to their boyfriends. 6) Why bother - The why bothers come to the gym, stretch for a bit, might pedal on the excercise bike or something for 15 minutes, do some bicep curls with 1kg weights, then go home. 7) Alpha Males - A mixed group whose sole purpose in going to the gym is to socialise, yell across the gym, swear and puff their chests.
Of course these are wild generalisations, and in all honesty, most people probably aren't in any of these catagories. |
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