Monday, September 10, 2007


Like everyone else in this world I have a family, I didn't just appear on this planet and I didn't arise from some primorial soup. I have a mum and a dad and a sister. Yes, the perfect nuclear family. As a write this however, the three of them are on the other side of the planet in England. Mum and dad left a couple of days ago for three weeks to visit my sister who lives in London as well as my grandma and cousins and aunties and uncles. Yes, I am half English on my mum's side (and half Dutch on my dad's side). Not very exotic and terribly white. I would love to be there with them all, but luckily my sister is coming over in December for Christmas this year which is most awesome.

I would love to write more today but I have wasted far too much time and have done not nearly as much work as I should. I'm feeling a tad guilty.