Tuesday, August 14, 2007

when things don't go to plan....

You know, I've just been lumped with going to a seminar tomorrow on the other side of town. Probably looking at a 45-60 journey. It runs until like 6pm which is a shit because I have a gig tomorrow night, so I have to race home, get changed, put gear in car, and race to the gig. I don't like being rushed, puts me in a foul mood, and before a gig is like twice as bad.
Miss R and I went to watch some whippets racing on Sunday. Avergae speed was 52kph around the track which was fairly moving. We're going to go look at one to possibly get this weekend. We shall see.
I'm sure that there is more that I could rant and rave about here, but I can't be arsed right now.